I should have written this a long time ago and apologize to those I might have helped guide in the right direction.

I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer a couple of years ago and needed a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. During a time that I needed support, I found comfort through an acquaintance who had already been through this experience. She recommended Dr. Ghorbani and claimed he was the best.

Frantically, I went to every well known plastic surgeon in Contra Costa and Alameda County. Many of the plastic surgeons were not skilled to do this type of reconstruction and those who were, showed me before and after photos that terrified me. I ended up going with Dr. Ghorbani after actually seeing the results of one of his reconstruction patients in person. At this point, I knew he was the one for me.

Dr. Ghorbani and my breast surgeon (Dr. Kerlin) work great together and the result was better than I could have expected. It takes a very skilled plastic surgeon to rebuild a breast from nothing. The breast surgeon takes it away and Dr. Ghorbani puts it back.

When it came time for nipple reconstruction, I had interviewed a couple plastic surgeons within my insurance plan to save money. Each surgeon was wonderful and willing to complete the final stage and all were impressed saying I had one of the best results they’d ever seen. It made my husband and I realizing that there wasn’t a price you can put on this situation. We trusted Dr. Ghorbani and needed him to complete the job. Surprisingly, he was accepted as a provider by my insurance group, prior to surgery!

Sadly, I have recently had a friend in need of the same surgery. After sharing my opinion/results with her, she also chose Dr. Ghorbani.

Once again….A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Breast cancer is not an easy thing to deal with and mastectomy adds “insult to injury.” I have seen many amazing surgeons, but Dr. Ghorbani needs to get credit for perfecting something so sensitive to women.

I owe him my gratitude for making me complete and doing such a beautiful job.

Thank you Dr. G!